Trademark/Trade name/Patents/Copyright Registration
Trademark/trade name/patents/copyright registration and so on is the perfect work, Sunil Rana and his firm Minocha & Minocha can do for you. We are the best in the business for any solutions related to trademark services. We don’t just give you the service, but our team of experts will make you understand what procedures and legalities are done when you register to trademark your brand name.Trademark registration online services
We help you in making your trademark work easy by completely leaving it to us. The function of a trademark is that it identified services, goods, and their origin of it. It also assures the quality of a product and helps in advertising what you are selling. It is always a good idea to register for the same as it will be beneficial for your company. With the help of our trademark registration online facilities, you are in for a hassle-free journey. We have experts, who will do the entire process following the right regulations.
Online logo registration benefits
The term of registration for the trademark is ten years, and you can leave it to us to keep track of the renewals. If you are a non-user of a registered logo or trademark for about five years, your trademark can be canceled. It is best to register legally for the trademark or your company logo in order to avoid any further legal problems. We are your one-stop destination for all legal support you require!